“As a general rule, the most successful man in life is the man who has the best information.” – Benjamin Disraeli (1804 – 1881)
We thought it would be helpful to define the most common terms and acronyms that you hear a lot in our industry!
Payment Systems
Cash Register– Dating back to 1883, it is a mechanical or electronic device for calculating and recording sales transactions, and an attached cash drawer for storing cash.
POS (Point Of Sale System)-In 1974 one of the first microprocessor-controlled cash register systems was built by William Brobeck and Associates for McDonald’s Restaurants.
MICROS (Modular Integrated Cash Register System)-Based in Columbia, Maryland since 1978 Micros has been the industry leader that manufactures and sells computer hardware, software and services for the restaurant, hotel, hospitality and specialty retail industries.
DCRS Solutions (Data Cash Register Systems)-Our “Mission/Brand/Value Statement” (our “everything”) was developed from the acronym (DCRS) of our legally incorporated name from 1976, Data Cash Register Systems: Delivering Certified Results & Satisfaction
Common POS Terms
SLU (Screen Look Up)–When pressed, the system scans the appropriate definition file and generates a Touchscreen key for each item with a matching SLU number.
VOID-Is a transaction which cancels, or deletes entirely, a previously completed transaction.
TENDER-Simply put, to offer a form of payment (Cash, Credit, etc)
Till-The device that holds all cash & receipts tendered within the cash drawer
EOD (End of Day)-Procedure to close out the business day, end all transactions and update all files to the next day of business
KDS (Kitchen Display System)–KDS is like having a second expeditor in the kitchen! This video screen displays food orders for preparation as well as monitors the timing of orders.
DMB (Digital Menu Board)–Displaying your establishments menus digitally while integrating to MICROS. Menu and price changes are made concurrent with POS changes and seamlessly updated in real-time.

We hope this has helped explain the terms that are frequently mentioned in our world!
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