DCRS Newsletter Fall 2014

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S O C I A L   S T A T U S

Phone Frenzy

You wouldn’t believe how today’s smart phone use has changed behaviors especially wait times in restaurants. Check out these fascinating stats…. You will be surprised.

You & Yelp
Yelp attracts over 120 million unique visitors per month – proof enough you need to pay attention to this social media tool – check out 5 ways to get started quickly.
20 Minutes =
 More Foot Traffic
Just 20 minutes a day…that is all it takes to start engaging customers and potential customers on social media.Check out this detailed break down of what you need to do in 20 minutes to engage social media and increase foot traffic.


Facebook has partnered w/ constant contact to include restaurant menus on pages – a major benefit to the 1.23 million active restaurant users.

F O O D   F O R   T H O U G H T

Is Your Menu Too Long?

Restaurant menus are getting smaller making decisions less complicated for customers.  Read why restaurant owners are continuing to simplify menus.


October Opportunities

October is National Pizza Month…Check out what other marketing opportunities are happening this month and how you can make them work for your restaurant.


5 Habits of a Successful Restaurant

Food consistency tops the scale of importance when it comes to a restaurants success. See where and how social media plays a big part on this short list.

S E C U R I T Y   S A V V Y

Another One Bites the Dust

 See which national food chain was just breached at 216 of their restaurants and what they are doing to help manage customer concerns.

Extinction of Swipe and Sign

No more swiping and signing for credit card purchases rather customers will be inserting their card into a slot to read a microchip, not a magnetic stripe. So when will the switch over happen across the board?  Read more here  and understand what this means for your business.


M I C R O S   M I N D E D

Gift Card Craze

The busiest part of the year is upon us with the holiday season just around the corner. Read why gift cards have proven to be lucrative for the food and beverage industry.

Technology Timeline

Where do you Stand?

If you are still using a cash register, check out why not using the latest POS technology is costing you money, time and efficiency. 5 reasons there is no time like the present to make an upgrade.


T E C H   T R E N D S

Apple Watch and the Restaurant

Making payments with the new apple watch should replace the 50-year old credit card method, according to Apple CEO Tim Cook. See what restaurants are lining up to team up with Apple and why this new payment appeal has a lot to do with security.

 D r o p   U s   a  L i n e …

The Z Report is looking for comments, ideas, and suggestions about how we  can help YOU, our customer, better utilize your technology.

Please contact us as often as you would like.

Steve Kramer

DCRS Solutions

314.739.6666 |  800.231.0166



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