DCRS Newsletter Winter 2015

I M P O R T A N T   U P D A T E S
Microsoft Windows Operating System Updates
When your POS system was staged, we installed the latest Microsoft Windows Operating System updates.  Since Microsoft typically releases updates once a month, to enhance, correct or add security to your Microsoft Operating System software, you may currently be missing many of these updates.
Installing these updates is easy to do.  However, you are usually required to shut down the POS software application and reboot the POS Server, to properly install these updates.
Why should you update?
To maintain PCI Compliance, you are required to keep updates current on your Microsoft Operating System, as many updates are security related.  Also, having current updates helps insure proper performance from your POS Server.  Monthly updates may include not only enhancements, but also bug fixes.  If these updates are not installed, your Microsoft POS Server could not only become vulnerable to a security breach, but also suffer from performance and/or slow-down issues.
Why isn’t Microsoft installing these for me?
Microsoft does allow for these updates to be scheduled, but it is important to be prepared when an update does not install properly.  Since many updates require a reboot of the system, it is imperative for you to learn how to perform a proper shut down of your POS software application, before shutting down your POS Server.
How do I update my Windows Server?
First, click on the circular “Start Button” in the lower left of your POS Server’s screen.   Next, click “Control Panel” on the right side of the boxed area.  Find “Windows Update” (in the View by: Icon screen; or look under “Security and System” in the View by: Category screen).  Next, click “Windows Update”, to see if any updates are available for your POS Server.  This can take several minutes for the Server to connect and diagnose which updates your Server needs.
If you have not installed updates for a while, expect to have your POS System unusable for up to 2 hours, while Microsoft Windows installs these updates, SO PLAN ACCORDINGLY! 
Once Microsoft Windows has identified which updates to install, you must then download them.  Once downloaded, you will need to install these updates.  Finally, when Microsoft Windows prompts you to reboot, you must then properly shut-down the POS software application first, then reboot the POS Server.  Microsoft Windows will then take some time to install these updates during the “boot-up period” (this is part of that potential 2 hour window).
Click on ‘Install updates’ and Microsoft will begin downloading and begin the pre-installation process.  After it has completed it will ask you to reboot the system (most likely).  It is at this point that you will need to shut down the POS software.  Windows will then reboot the server and begin the post-installation of the patches.  Once this is complete, the system will be ready to go!
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