Qualified Integrator & Reseller Qualification

DCRS Solutions has recently completed the Qualified Integrators & Resellers (QIR) Qualification.

Huh? Ok, you probably have no idea what this means. So let me explain below.

Translation: As a Point of Sale Vendor, we completed the necessary training & qualifications set in place by the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Council to securely install payment applications in merchants environments. (your restaurant)

We want to take EVER step possible to ensure that we “dot our i’s and cross our t’s” when it comes to security & credit cards.

Data Breaches are NOT going away, wouldn’t you want to partner with a VENDOR that takes this seriously?


Organizations qualified by PCI SSC as Qualified Integrator and Reseller Companies (QIR Companies)

are authorized to implement, configure and/or support PA-DSS validated Payment Applications on behalf

of merchants or service providers for purposes of performing Qualified Installations as part of the QIR

Program. The quality, reliability and consistency of a QIR Company’s work provide confidence that the

Payment Application has been implemented in a manner that supports the Customer’s PCI DSS


All QIR Companies are identified on the QIR List in accordance with the QIR Agreement. If a company is

not on the QIR List, it is not recognized as a QIR Company by PCI SSC. All companies and individuals

seeking to qualify as QIR Companies or QIR Employees must satisfy initial qualification requirements and

requalify with PCI SSC every three years, as detailed further in this document.


QIR Program Background

PCI SSC operates the Payment Application Data Security Standards (PA-DSS) program. The

program promotes the development and implementation of secure commercial payment

applications that do not store prohibited data, and helps to ensure that payment applications

support compliance with the PCI DSS.

Organizations qualified by PCI SSC to implement, configure and/or support PA-DSS validated

Payment Applications on behalf of merchants and service providers are referred to as “Qualified

Integrator and Reseller Companies” or “QIR Companies.” The quality, reliability and consistency

of a QIR Company’s work provide confidence that the application has been implemented in a

manner that supports the customer’s PCI DSS compliance.


QIR Program Roles and Responsibilities

The QIR Program simplifies the process for identifying and engaging integrators and resellers

qualified to assist merchants and industry participants in their effort to install PA-DSS validated

payment applications in a manner that facilitates PCI DSS compliance.

A QIR Company may be any form of legal entity and must comply with all QIR Company


Only companies that are qualified by PCI SSC and are in “Good Standing” (or in Remediation) as

QIR Companies are permitted to perform Qualified Installations. All QIR Companies are listed on

the QIR List.

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