5 Tips To Improve Your Restaurant’s Customer Service

When dining out, customers don’t just want great food – they want an experience that leaves them feeling cared for and welcomed.

Both you and your employees are responsible for ensuring excellent customer service, because when your customer service is lacking, diners will not stick around for long, damaging your reputation and margins.

Find Out How A Cloud-Based POS System Can Streamline Your Restaurant

To improve the customer service in your restaurant, you need to take the time for some honest introspective thought to identify deficiencies.

Here are some common areas restaurants can improve to step up their customer service:

Specifically Train Employees In Customer Service

Your employees are on the frontline in your restaurant, interacting with customers on a daily basis. As such, they should be properly trained to interact with customers of all ages .This means looking them in the eye, anticipating their needs, respecting allergen requests, and greeting and serving them promptly.

When training employees in customer service, create clear expectations and treat them with respect, offering praise when the handle a situation appropriately and constructive criticism in areas that need work.

When employees are happy, customers can sense that in the atmosphere which goes a long way toward creating a positive dining experience.

Protect Guest Data Through PCI Compliance

To build customer trust and provide excellent customer service, it is essential that you keep their financial information secure.

In the digital era, PCI compliance is a critical part of any business as it not only builds customer confidence that their credit card data is safe, but you are also contractually obligated to remain compliant.

A modern Cloud POS system can help you stay secure and up-to date by monitoring regulations and updating your software automatically to remain in compliance.

Have A Modern, Dedicated POS System

Investing in a modern, dedicated POS system like Toast or Mobilebytes will go a long way in helping you effectively manage your restaurant. With a POS system you can:

Automating and simplifying processes throughout your restaurant with a modern cloud POS system frees your staff to spend more time working to create a positive dining experience for your guests.

Take Advantage Of Customer Feedback & Fix Problems Immediately

Customer feedback is an essential part of improving customer service.

Have comment cards available and seriously stake them into consideration when making changes. If there is a common factor like “it took forever for the server to take my order,” identify why it is taking so long and develop new procedures to speed up order time.

If there is a problem like the wrong meal being served (which is bound to happen), ensure your staff are trained to fix the problem immediately. The sooner you fix a customer concern, the more your guests will know you care about them.

Customer service is key in the restaurant industry. Be sure you are taking every possible step to ensure guests have a positive dining experience through proper training, modern POS technology and taking feedback seriously.

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